Kendall Charcoal (HC-166) vs Revere Pewter (HC-172)

Placing two colors side by side can be an effective way to compare and contrast their similarities and differences.
This page is set out to compare two colors: the color on the left side is referred to as Kendall Charcoal and it is identified by the code HC-166. While the color on the right side is referred to as Revere Pewter and it is identified by the code HC-172. Both of these selected colors are from the same color reference chart by Benjamin Moore colors.
When viewed side-by-side, these samples exhibit a noticeable difference in appearance. Such conclusion is also supported by color science, as the DeltaE distance between these two colors is calculated to be ΔE31.42

Here is a side-by-side image comparison of Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal vs Revere Pewter.

Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal (HC-166) vs Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter (HC-172) side by side. Change View
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    Kendall Charcoal (HC-166)


    Revere Pewter (HC-172)

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Kendall Charcoal (HC-166) by Benjamin Moore

Color Brand:Benjamin Moore  ⋯ 
Color Name:Kendall Charcoal  ⋯ 
Color Code:HC-166  ⋯ 
HEX Code:#686662  ⋯ 
Color Family:Grey (warm)  ⋯ 
RGB Decimal:104, 102, 98  ⋯ 
RGB Float:0.408, 0.4, 0.384  ⋯ 
CMYK Percentage:0, 2, 6, 59  ⋯ 
Color LRV:13.33%  ⋯ 
RGB composition values for Kendall Charcoal color (bar chart image)CMYK composition values for Kendall Charcoal color (bar chart image)

Revere Pewter (HC-172) by Benjamin Moore

Color Brand:Benjamin Moore  ⋯ 
Color Name:Revere Pewter  ⋯ 
Color Code:HC-172  ⋯ 
HEX Code:#CCC4B8  ⋯ 
Color Family:Brown (warm)  ⋯ 
RGB Decimal:204, 196, 184  ⋯ 
RGB Float:0.8, 0.769, 0.722  ⋯ 
CMYK Percentage:0, 4, 10, 20  ⋯ 
Color LRV:55.78%  ⋯ 
RGB composition values for Revere Pewter color (bar chart image)CMYK composition values for Revere Pewter color (bar chart image)

Left side color:

Right side color: