White Dove (OC-17) vs Shoji White (SW7042)

Placing two colors side by side can be an effective way to compare and contrast their similarities and differences.
This page is set out to compare two colors: the color on the left side is referred to as White Dove and it is identified by the code OC-17. This color is a part of Benjamin Moore colors. While the color on the right side is referred to as Shoji White and it is identified by the code SW7042. It comes from Sherwin Williams colors. The color swatches depicted here are similar to the ones found in the Benjamin Moore paint (left) and Sherwin Williams paint (right) color palettes.
Based on deltaE distance ΔE3.77, these colors are likely to appear quite similar to the human eye.

Here is a side-by-side image comparison of Benjamin Moore White Dove vs Sherwin Williams Shoji White.

Benjamin Moore White Dove (OC-17) vs Sherwin Williams Shoji White (SW7042) side by side. Change View
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    White Dove (OC-17)


    Shoji White (SW7042)

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White Dove (OC-17) by Benjamin Moore

Color Brand:Benjamin Moore  ⋯ 
Color Name:White Dove  ⋯ 
Color Code:OC-17  ⋯ 
HEX Code:#F0EDE4  ⋯ 
Color Family:Yellow (warm)  ⋯ 
RGB Decimal:240, 237, 228  ⋯ 
RGB Float:0.941, 0.929, 0.894  ⋯ 
CMYK Percentage:0, 1, 5, 6  ⋯ 
Color LRV:84.7%  ⋯ 
RGB composition values for White Dove color (bar chart image)CMYK composition values for White Dove color (bar chart image)

Shoji White (SW7042) by Sherwin Williams

Color Brand:Sherwin Williams  ⋯ 
Color Name:Shoji White  ⋯ 
Color Code:SW7042  ⋯ 
HEX Code:#E5DED2  ⋯ 
Color Family:Orange (warm)  ⋯ 
RGB Decimal:229, 222, 210  ⋯ 
RGB Float:0.898, 0.871, 0.824  ⋯ 
CMYK Percentage:0, 3, 8, 10  ⋯ 
Color LRV:73.55%  ⋯ 
RGB composition values for Shoji White color (bar chart image)CMYK composition values for Shoji White color (bar chart image)

Left side color:

Right side color: